Common Questions & Answers

Q: What is collegiate club volleyball like?

A: Collegiate club volleyball is a lot larger than a lot of people expect--there are over 5,000 players across the nation--which means it is very organized with many different conferences and leagues that all compete together. For example, Kentucky is one of seven teams in the Ohio River Valley Volleyball Conference (ORVVC) which is one of three leagues that competes inside of the Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (MIVAs) which then is part of the biggest organization called the National Collegiate Volleyball Federation (NCVF). Think of it like a sports league like the NFL: we are in the AFC South (ORVVC), the AFC (MIVA), and the NFL (NCVF) and, in turn, compete to win each of those titles. If you want to learn more about this, visit www.ncvf.org/conferencesleagues

Q: Can I join the club even if I have no prior volleyball experience?

A: While we cannot guarantee you will make a team, anyone is welcome to come to tryouts no matter their skill level! We have welcomed in several players who have never played before and they have become instrumental to our success as a club!

Q: When are practices?

A: We practice Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday from 10pm to 12am every week in the Johnson Center!

Q: When does the season start?

A: Our season unofficially begins at the end of August, following Campus Ruckus, with open gyms that allow prospective members and current players to get some playing time in in a fun, relaxed setting before we hold tryouts in early September for anyone interested in joining the club. Our pre-season officially begins in September when the first team practice is, which leads up to our first tournament that is typically the end of September! Our regular season starts in January going until Nationals in mid to late April!

Q: How many tournaments do we play each semester?

A: Normally, we play anywhere between 3-5 tournaments a semester depending on the scheduling of all the tournaments. This past year, both teams played in 3 tournaments in the fall and 5 tournaments in the spring. The fall is almost a 'preseason' where no results matter in the grand scheme of the NCVF and it is just a bunch of people wanting to play good volleyball. The spring, however, has more tournaments overall due to it being our 'regular season' so there are ORVVC playdates and championships, MIVA championships, and then NCVF national championships in April!